Our services


We have local market knowledge, a substantial network and we provide a wide range of property services while you are based abroad.


Location search 

Location! Location! Finding the right location for your property is key success to the investment. From a city to county, we understand your criteria and assist you with professional advice.  


Property Search

Are you looking for an investment or new home?  We can personalise your preference and sourcing, negotiate and secure the suitable property on behalf of you.

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School search

Education is key to success. Choosing the best school is as crucial as the investment in your property. We can provide a school and  catchment area information and we can guide you though the school application process. 

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Property Management

Being a landlord can be time consuming and challenging. We provide a full range of services to save your time, after your interests and maximise your rental returns.

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Cultural Advice

From career change to cultural awareness, we work in partnership with personal coaches and organisations to offer support to you and let you settle into your new home quickly. 

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Janet is always helpful and listens to us. We were well informed and engaged in each step. Our property purchase would not be successful without her contribution and support.

Mr. and Mrs. Chen, Sales and Business Development Director